NIPSEA Leadership Competencies (AGILE) → 2) Growth Mindset → Applying Business Acumen

Business Model Innovation


Language (Audio): English
Language (Subtitles): Arabic, French, Portuguese (European), Italian, Vietnamese, German, Russian, English, Spanish
Level: 1, 2

Original Source:

Innovation goes beyond technology, products and processes. The new competitive landscape requires another, more holistic and strategic perspective, based on the concept of business models.

This course gives you access to the Odyssey 3.14 approach, a pioneering framework that will help you invent or reinvent business models.

The approach starts with a deep dive into the 3 pillars of the business model:
- The value proposition (who are our customers and what are we offering them?)
- The value architecture (how are we organized in order to deliver this value proposition to our customers in due time)
- The profit equation (how the alignment between the first 2 pillars generates a profit)

14 directions are then explored in order to invent or reinvent a business model. Examples of the directions include “reducing clients overall costs”, “modifying the revenue stream”, “introducing a third party”, “eliminating a step in the value chain”, and “exploring new resources”. Illustrated by numerous examples, both iconic (Ikea, Tetra Pack, Grameen Bank…) and more recent (Airbnb, Zopa, Drive Now…), these directions stimulate your creativity to rigorously explore all possible innovation paths. Innovation becomes an adventure, an odyssey… hence the name of the approach!
  • Week 1: Introduction to Business Model Innovation
  • 1.1 What is Innovation
  • Practice Quiz 1
  • 1.2 Learning Methods and Outcomes
  • 1.3 The 3 Components of a Business Model
  • 1.4 Business Model vs Strategy
  • 1.5 Other Business Model Frameworks
  • Practice Quiz 2
  • Week 2: The 3 Components of a Business Model
  • 2.1 Value Proposition - Introduction & Client
  • 2.2 Value Proposition - Price and Perceived Value
  • 2.3 Value Proposition - Detailed Examples of Game Changing Value Proposition
  • 2.4 Value Proposition - The Value Curve
  • 2.5 Value Proposition - The Value Curve in Practice
  • 2.6 Value Architecture - The Value Chain
  • 2.7 Value Architecture - The Extended Value Chain
  • 2.8 Value Architecture - Distinctive Resources and Competencies
  • 2.9 Profit Equation Overview
  • 2.10 Profit Equation Details
  • Week 3: 7 Directions for the Value Proposition
  • 3.1 Introduction to the 14 Directions
  • 3.2 Direction 1 - Reduce Client Price
  • 3.3 Direction 2 - Reduce Clients' Hassle
  • 3.4 Direction 3 - Look for Non-Clients
  • 3.5 Direction 4 - Introduce More Functionality or More Emotion
  • 3.6 Direction 5 - Search Other Segments or Industries
  • 3.7 Direction 6 - Introduce a Third Party
  • 3.8 Direction 7 - Modify the Revenue Stream
  • Week 4: 7 Directions for the Value Architecture
  • 4.1 Direction 8 - Introduce Technology
  • 4.2 Direction 9 - Modify One or Several Steps in the Value Chain
  • 4.3 Direction 10 - Eliminate or Add a Step in the Value Chain
  • 4.4 Direction 11 - Leverage Strategic Resources
  • 4.5 Direction 12 - Associate with Competitors
  • 4.6 Direction 13 - Identify Supplementors
  • 4.7 Direction 14 - Find New Resources
  • 4.8 Summary of the 14 Directions
  • Week 5 - It's Your Turn to Apply the Odyssey 3.14 Approach
  • 5.1 Applying the Odyssey 3.14 Approach
  • 5.2 Trends in Business Models - Part 1
  • 5.3 Trends in Business Models - Part 2
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