
Advanced Features of TalentLMS (โคลน) (002-โคลน)

How do you become a TalentLMS super-user? With this brief training on some of the more advanced features of our platform. Dive in and see how you can save time when building a course.
it's very interesting.
  • Enhance your course
  • How to add conferences
  • How to create Instructor-led Training
  • How to clone courses & units
  • Managing your users
  • How to use Groups
  • How to use Branches
  • How to customize User Types
  • Advanced features
  • How to work with Automations
  • Selling courses
  • How to sell your courses
  • หน่วยทัังหมดจะต้องเสร็จสิ้นสมบูรณ์
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 1 เดือน